Australian Power Stations Named as One of the World's Biggest Air Pollution Hotspots.

Australian Power Stations Named as One of the World's Biggest Air Pollution Hotspots

We are sad to hear that Australian power stations have been named on a list of the world's biggest hot spots for toxic air pollution. A report by Greenpeace has listed Australia 12th on a list of top-emitting countries for human-caused sulphur dioxide emissions and it is singled out in the report for air pollution standards that allow power stations to emit sulphur dioxide at higher rates than in China and the EU. 

SO2 is an irritant gas known to affect human health and one of the main pollutants contributing to deaths from air pollution worldwide. It can cause heart disease, lung disease, and asthma.

More than 4,000 deaths in Australia each year are thought to be caused by pollution from coal-fired power stations. While there isn't much we can do about the air quality outside our homes, something as simple as an air purifier can significantly improve air quality inside the home.

Link to relevant The Guardian article