What do our Air Purifiers remove from the air?

Stage 1 | Technostat® Pre-filter

The Technostat® pre-filter is is made from a patented material used in respirators and face masks. It is the initial stage that the air is passed through and is designed to filter large dust particles right down to ultra fine sub-micron particles.

Stage 2 | H13 Medical-grade HEPA filter

Manufactured using H13 medical-grade HEPA filtration, normally only found in commercial environments such as hospitals and cleanrooms.

Certified 99.97% minimum efficiency at 0.3 microns (tested down to 0.003 microns @ 100% efficiency) Our residential models offer a filter surface area ranging from 3.8m² on the E7 and E8 to an incredible 6.4m² on the E20 Plus and DE20 Plus models, each exceeding HEPA filtration standards.

What does the HEPA Filter remove?

Bacteria Viruses
Dust Dust Mites
Aerosols Allergens
Sub-Micron Particles Pollens
Mould Spores Pet Dander

Stage 3 | Activated Carbon filter

Activated carbon traps gas molecules and any other chemicals that pass through it. Activated carbon has an immense surface area that allows an incredible amount of molecules to be adhered to the carbon. This means an air purifier with a larger activated carbon filter will be more efficient and will last longer before needing replacement.

Based on weight, INOVA includes more activated carbon in our filters than any other air purifier in Australia. Our INOVA-E8 system includes a 2.4kg Activated Carbon filter and we offer an even larger 6kg commercial-grade Activated Carbon filter in our INOVA-E20 and INOVA-DE20 models.

What Chemicals and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC's) can Activated Carbon remove?

The Activated Carbon filter is designed to remove chemical pollutants, volatile organic compounds (VOC’s), smoke, road pollution and odours including;

Acetaldehyde Hydrogen iodide
Acetic Acid Hydrogen selenide
Acetic anhydride Hydrogen sulfide
Acetone Incense
Acrolem Indole
Acrylic Acid Iodine
Acrylonitrile Iodoform
Alcoholic Beverages Irritants
Amines Isophorone
Ammonia Isoprene
Ameyl acetate Isopropyl acetate
Amyl alcohol Isopropyl alcohol
Amyl ether Isopropyl ether
Aniline Kerosene
Asphalt fumes Kitchen odours
Automobile Exhaust Lactic acid
Benzene Menthol
Body odours Mercaptans
Borane Methil acetate
Bromine Menthyl acrylate
Burned Flesh Methyl alcohol
Burned Food Methyl bromide
Butadiene Methyl butyl ketone
Butane Methyl cellosolve
Butanone Methyl cellosolve acetate
Butyl acetate Methyl chloride
Butyl alcohol Methyl chloroform
Butyl cellosolve Methyl ether
Butyl chloride Methyl ethyl ketone
Butyl ether Methyl formate
Butylene Methyl isobutyl ketone
Butyne Methyl mercaptan
Butyraldehyde Methylcyclohexane
Butyric acid Methylcyclohexanol
Camphor Methylcyclohexaone
Caprylic acid Methylene chloride
Carbolic acid Monochlorobenzene
Carbon disulfide Monofluorotri cloromethane
Carbon Monoxide Naphtha
Carbon tetrachloride Naphthziene
Cellosolve Nitric acid
Cellosolve acetate Nitro benzenes
Cheese Nitroethane
Chlorine Nitrogen dioxide
Chlorobenzene Nitroglycerine
Chlorobutadiene Nitromethane
Chloroform Nitropropane
Chloronitropropane Nitrotoluene
Chloropicrin Nonane
Citrus and other fruits Octalene
Cleaning compounds Octane
Coal smoke Onions
Creosote Organic Chemicals
Cresol Ozone
Crotonaldehyde Packing house odours
Cychlohexane Paint & redecorating odours
Cyclohexanol Palmitic Acid
Cyclohexene Paradichlorbenzine
Decane Pantane
Dibromoethane Pentanone
Dichlorobenzene Pentylene
Dichlorodi fluoromethane Pentyne
Dichloroethane Perchloroethylene
Dichloroethylene Perfumes, cosmetics
Dichloroethyl Phenol
Dichloromono fluormethane Phosgene
Dichloronitroethane Pitch
Dichloroprpane Poison gases
Dichloro tetrafluoroethane Pollen
Diesel fumes Poultry odours
Diethylamine Propane
Diethyl ketone Propionaldehyde
Dimethylaniline Propionic acid
Dimethylsulfate Propyl acetate
Dioxane Propyl alcohol
Diproyl ketone Propyl chloride
Ether Propyl ether
Ethyl acetate Propyl mercaptan
Ethyl acrylate Propylene
Ethyl alcohol Propyne
Ethyl amine Putrefying substances
Ethyl benzene Putrescine
Ethyl bromide Pyridine
Ethyl chloride Resins
Ethyl ether Rubber
Ethyl formate Sauerkraut
Ethyl mercaptan Sewer odours
Ethyl silicate Skalote
Ethylene chlorhydrin Slaughtering odours
Ethylene dichloride Smog
Ethylene oxide Sour milks
Essential oils Stoddard solvent
Eucalyptole Styrene monomer
Fertilizer Sulfur dioxide
Film processing odours Sulfur trioxide
Fish odours Sulfuric acid
Floral scents Tetrachloroethane
Fluorotrichloro methane Tetrachloroethylene
Formaldehyde Tobacco smoke odour
Formic acid Toilet odours
Gangrene Toluene
Garlic Toluidine
Gasoline Trichlorethylene
Heptane Trichloroethane
Heptylene Turpentine
Hexane Urea
Hexylene Uric acid
Hexyne Valeric acid
Hydrogen bromide Valericaldehyde
Hydrogen chloride Varnish fumes
Hydrogen cyanide Xylene
Hydrogen fluoride

* The list continues to grow as we discover and categorize new airborne chemicals.